
Guandu-RJ Committee participates in technical visit to Complexo de Lajes (LIGHT)
Representatives of the Guandu-RJ Committee, AGEVAP, ABES/RJ and Iguá Saneamento were on a technical visit this Wednesday, the 27th, at Complexo da Light, in Paracambi and Piraí/RJ. The visit was an opportunity to learn about how the basin's waters generate electricity...
AGEVAP is selected in the Petrobras Socioenvironmental Program
The Paraíba do Sul River Basin Water Management Association, AGEVAP, was one of those awarded in the Public Selection of the Petrobras Socioenvironmental Program. The program's objective is to encourage the development of social and environmental actions, generating...
Producers from Rio Claro will receive almost 400 thousand reais in Payments for Environmental Services
Fifty-eight rural producers in the municipality of Rio Claro/RJ will receive this Monday (27) 394,000 reais in payment for environmental services. Remuneration for environmental conservation and recovery services is part of the Water and Forest Producers (PAF) program...
Guandu-RJ Committee initiates the preparation of Atlantic Forest Plans for the Basin Municipalities
The Guandu-RJ Committee started the elaboration of Municipal Plans for the Conservation and Recovery of the Atlantic Forest (PMMA) of 12 municipalities in the basin. It is a territorial management instrument aimed at the development and environmental conservation of...
Rural producers in Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin receive 47 thousand reais in payments for environmental services, from the Guandu-RJ Committee
About fifteen rural producers in the municipality of Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin received this Monday (20) R$ 47,372.94 in Payment for Environmental Services (PSA). Remuneration for environmental conservation and recovery services is part of the Water and Forest...
ANA has open enrollment for free Water Management courses.
ANA (National Agency for Water and Basic Sanitation) has open enrollment for training courses in Water Management. Aimed at representatives of basin committees, councils, servants and/or employees of executive bodies, the courses are in the EaD modality,...
Guandu in the media
Project developed in Rio Claro is selected in the Petrobras Socioenvironmental Program
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Guandu-RJ Committee starts preparing Atlantic Forest Plans
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A Voz da Cidade – Notes & Notes – Payment for Environmental Services
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Producers from Rio Claro/RJ will receive almost 400 thousand reais in Payments for Environmental Services
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Guandu-RJ Committee initiates the preparation of Atlantic Forest Plans for the Basin Municipalities
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