Environmental Education
The Friends of Guandu-RJ is an initiative of the Guandu-RJ Committee that intends to take the debate on water to early childhood education schools, providing learning with various activities and providing teaching materials on the subject to be included in regular education. The pilot project will be developed in 2022, in the 20th anniversary of the College.
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Seven Errors Game
Material To Paint
Contest “The Fantastic World of Water” (2016-2017)
The works, divided into 4 categories according to age groups, were evaluated by Fine Arts students from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). 320 children were awarded.
Combating Pollution and Adapting to Water Scarcity (2015)
All fifteen municipalities in the basin were included in this initiative, which developed educational activities for a group formed by representatives of water users, civil organizations and public authorities. The objective was to expand the perception and knowledge applied to the management of water resources, based on the understanding of the Strategic Plan for Water Resources and the Multiannual Application Plan.
Semeia Guandu Project (2015).
Photo Gallery
The works, divided into 4 categories according to age groups, were evaluated by Fine Arts students from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). 320 children were awarded.