
The Hydrographic Region II

For management purposes, the State of Rio de Janeiro is divided into nine Hydrographic Regions, determined by Resolution No. 107 of May 22, 2013 of the State Water Resources Council (CERHI-RJ). Each of them has its own Basin Committee, which works together with the State Institute for the Environment (INEA), the water agencies and CERHI-RJ itself, in favor of planning the use of water resources in these regions.

The Hydrographic Basins of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim rivers, the area of ​​influence of the Guandu-RJ Committee, make up Hydrographic Region II.

Management contracts

Management Contracts (GC), in general, are agreements signed between the Government and other entities, which establish management responsibilities, goals based on indicators and evaluation criteria. On October 18, 2010, AGEVAP signed with the State Environmental Institute (INEA), with the mediation of the Guandu-RJ Committee, the INEA Management Contract No. 03/2010, for the exercise of the functions of Watersheds Agency of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim rivers.

Click here to access the Management Agreement and its amendments.

Water Resources Plans

The Water Resources Strategic Plan (PERH) is the guiding document for the decisions of the Guandu-RJ Committee and one of the pillars of the integrated and participative management of water resources in Hydrographic Region II (RH II). It is a strongly agreed upon and integrated planning instrument that allows for the effective and sustainable management of surface and underground water resources for the benefit of present and future generations.

To learn about the Guandu-RJ Committee’s Water Resources Strategic Plan, click here.

Multi-Year Application Plan (PAP)

The Guandu-RJ Committee’s Multi-Year Application Plan (PAP) is the instrument for planning and guiding investments to be carried out with resources charging for the use of water.

Click here to get to know the Multi-Year Application Plan.


Framing is the establishment of the quality level (class) to be achieved and/or maintained in a stretch of water body over time. It is one of the instruments of the State Water Resources Policy. According to State Law No. 3.239/1999, the framework aims to:

I – Assure water quality compatible with the priority uses to which they are destined;

II – Decrease the costs of combating water pollution, through permanent preventive actions;

III – Establish the water quality goals to be achieved.

In 2014, the Guandu-RJ Committee approved Resolution No. 107, which addresses the proposed classification of water bodies into use classes for 24 stretches of rivers in Hydrographic Region II, presented by the State Environmental Institute (INEA). This guidance was approved by the State Water Resources Council (CERHI), through CERHI Resolution No. 127/2014.

Grant and legislation

The management of water resources in the hydrographic basins of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim rivers is guided by a series of laws, decrees and resolutions.

To make use of water in the State of Rio de Janeiro, surface or underground, for example, it is necessary to have a grant from the public authorities, in accordance with State Law No. 3.239/1999. The objective is to guarantee access to water for all users, aiming at the multiple use and preservation of endemic or endangered species of fauna and flora.

Click here to check the criteria for granting and the laws, decrees and resolutions that infer on the management of water resources in the hydrographic basins of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim rivers.

Water user records

The registration of users is an integral part of the State Water Resources Information System and its main objective is to register and systematize information regarding users of surface and underground water in a given region or hydrographic basin.

Registration is a prerequisite for requesting a permit for the use of water and environmental certificates of water reserve and insignificant use, in addition to serving as a basis for charging for water use.

To learn more about the subject, click here

Collection and levy

Instrument of the State Policy on Water Resources, in accordance with State Law No. 3.239/1999, charging for the use of water resources aims to:

I – Recognize water as an economic good and give the user an indication of its real value;

II – Encourage the rationalization of water use;

III – Obtain financial resources to finance the programs and interventions contemplated in the Hydrographic Basin Plans.

The history of amounts collected annually in Hydrographic Region II and other information related to collection and collection can be accessed by clicking here


The tables below show the resources invested in the basins of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim rivers, arising from charges for the use of water in the state and at the federal level.

State Investment
Federal Investment

Monitoring and situation of reservoirs

Hydrometeorological monitoring deals with monitoring the branches of the water cycle on the surface and in the atmosphere. The management of this data includes actions for collecting, treating, storing, retrieving and making available historical information about atmospheric conditions and river flow. The process is carried out by a network of hydrometric stations, divided into pluviometric and fluviometric stations, in addition to meteorological stations.

To learn more about this subject, click here

Hydric balance

The monitoring of reservoirs, as a water resource management instrument, consists of monitoring their water levels and their effluent and effluent flows, serving as a support for decision-making about their operation, in order to allow their use multiple of water resources.

Knowledge of the hydrological processes of a hydrographic basin is essential for directing the actions of water resources management related to water use.

Learn more about how the water balance of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim river basins is carried out and how the monitoring of the reservoirs in Hydrographic Region II is carried out.

Environmental report

The Report on the Environmental Scenario of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim Rivers Hydrographic Basins was prepared based on the survey and compilation of data on the situation of water resources in the region and other relevant environmental aspects.

The preparation of this report is one of the goals to be met by the Paraíba do Sul River Basin Water Pro-Management Association (AGEVAP), corresponding to indicator 1.3 (Preparation and Dissemination of a Digital Report on the Basin’s Environmental Scenario), in the scope of the Management Contract signed with the State Environmental Institute (INEA), which has the intervention of the Guandu-RJ Committee and delegates to AGEVAP the functions of Water Agency of the Hydrographic Region II.

Click here to access the report.