Who we are

The Committee on Hydrographic Basins of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim rivers (Comitê Guandu-RJ) is a collegiate body, in which representatives of public authorities, civil society and water users participate. The purpose of the Committee is to carry out the decentralized and participatory management of water resources in the basins, aiming to bring clean and abundant water to everyone.

Created through State Decree No. 31,178 in 2002, with new wording in 2015, by Decree No. 45,463, the Committee has consultative, normative and deliberative attributions at the regional level. Headquartered in Seropédica, in the Baixada Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro, it is linked to the State Water Resources Council (CERHI) and is a member of the State Water Resources Management System (SEGRHI), pursuant to State Law No. 3.239/99.

The basins of the Guandu (1,385 km²), Guarda (346 km²) and Guandu-Mirim (190 km²) rivers together total a drainage area of ​​1,921 km² and correspond to about 70% of the total area of ​​the hydrographic basin that contributes to the formation of the Bay of Sepetiba. There are 15 Rio de Janeiro municipalities covered: Itaguaí, Seropédica, Queimados, Japeri, Paracambi, Engineer Paulo de Frontin (in its entirety), in addition to Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Miguel Pereira, Vassouras, Piraí, Rio Claro, Mangaratiba, Mendes and Barra from Piraí (partially). About 9 million inhabitants of the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro (RMRJ) and other municipalities mentioned are supplied by these waters.

Since its creation, the Guandu-RJ Committee has actively participated in discussions involving the management of water resources in its coverage area, becoming a reference in the development of projects and studies.

The Committee also carries out environmental education and social mobilization programs, projects and works aimed at improving the quantity and quality of water, having a vital position in one of the largest water collection, treatment and distribution systems in the world.


They are objectives of the Guandu-RJ Committee:
  • Adopt the hydrographic basins in its area of ​​operation as physical-territorial units for specific planning and management;
  • Promote decentralized management without decoupling the quantitative and qualitative aspects of water resources;
  • Support and promote prevention and defense actions against hydrological events that pose risks to public health and safety;
  • Recognize water as a public domain good, limited and of economic, social and environmental valuel;
  • Identify the causes and adverse effects of pollution, deforestation, floods, droughts, soil erosion and siltation of water bodies, in its area of ​​operation;
  • Make the management of water resources compatible with regional development and environmental protection, adapting it to the physical, biotic, demographic, economic, social, historical and cultural diversities of its area of ​​operation;
  • Promote the maximization of environmental, economic and social benefits resulting from the integrated multiple use of water resources, ensuring the priority use provided for in current legislation;
  • Encourage water protection with actions that may compromise current, projected and future multiple uses;
  • Promote the integration of water resources management with environmental management;
  • Promote environmental education, exchange of regional and technical knowledge, folkloric manifestations, tradition and popular festivals, respect, protection and historical and archeological preservation, aiming at the rescue of identity and the construction of individual and collective citizenship;
  • Manage and promote updates to your Basin Plan;
  • Promote the integration of activities of public and private agents, related to water and environmental resources, matching the goals and guidelines of the Basin Plan.
    Click here to learn more about the competences of the Guandu-RJ Committee.



Water Users

Institution Representatives
Holder: Companhia Estadual de Águas e Esgotos do Rio de Janeiro (CEDAE) – Abastecimento Surrogate: Vacância Daniel Barbosa Okumura
Holder: Companhia Estadual de Águas e Esgotos do Rio de Janeiro (CEDAE) – Abastecimento Surrogate: Vacância Mayná Coutinho Morais
Holder: F.A.B. Zona Oeste
Surrogate: Vacância
Feliphe Magalhães Grandi Machado
Holder: Ambev S.A
Surrogate: Vacância
Giordana Gabriela Silva e Flor
Ariane Batista de Andrade
Holder: Gerdau Aços Longos S.A
Surrogate: Ternium Brasil LTDA.
Bruna Pessanha do Nascimento
Pamela Ferreira dos Reis
Holder: Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores S.A (FCC)
Surrogate: Vacância
Celso Rodrigues da Silva Junior
Holder: Federação das Indústrias do Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN)
Surrogate: Associação das Empresas do Distrito Industrial de Queimados (ASDINQ)
Paulo de Tarso de Lima Pimenta
Josiane Da Silva Luz
Holder: Sindicato Rural do Munícipio do Rio de Janeiro
Surrogate: Vacância
Jeandra Luna Lima Pedrosa
Holder: Associação dos Pequenos Agricultores do Vale do Rio Sahy (APAS)
Surrogate: Vacância
Max Willian Dos Santos Abrahão
Holder: Light S.A
Surrogate: Vacância
Lincoln Sérgio Vieira Alves Barreto
Holder: Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A
Surrogate: Vacância
Sabina Campagnani
Holder: Nuclebrás Equipamentos Pesados S.A (NUCLEP)
Surrogate: Vacância
Viviane Montebello Carvalhosa

Civil Society

Institution Representatives
Holder: Faculdade de Ensino Tecnológico do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAETERJ)
Surrogate: Vacância
Franziska Huber
Holder: Universidade de Vassouras
Surrogate: Fundação Centro Universitário Estadual da Zona Oeste
Ícaro Moreno Júnior
João Bosco de Salles
Holder: Instituto de Direito Coletivo – IDC
Surrogate: Vacância
Tatiana Quintela de Azeredo Bastos
Holder: Federação das Associações de Moradores Urbanos e Rurais do Município de Japeri – FAMEJA
Surrogate: Federação das Associações de Moradores do Município do Rio de Janeiro – FAM-RIO
Esdras da Silva
Licinio Machado Rogério
Holder: A Instituto Conservacionista 5º Elemento
Surrogate: Associação Civil Vale Verdejante
Marcia das Graças Marques
Orlando de Souza Pereira
Holder: Defensores do Planeta
Surrogate: Vacância
Mauro André dos Santos Pereira
Holder: Fórum Nacional da Sociedade Civil na Gestão de Bacias – FONASC
Surrogate: Instituto Ecopreservar
Uiara Martins de Carvalho
Rosiane Garcia Diniz
Holder: Instituto de Conservação Ambiental The Nature Conservancy do Brasil – TNC
Surrogate: Vacância
Hendrik Lucchesi Mansur
Holder: Associação dos Gestores Ambientais do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – ANAGEA/RJ
Surrogate: Vacância
Marcelo Danilo da Silva Bogalhão
Holder: Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental – ABES-RIO
Surrogate: Vacância
Karina de Moura Costa Alencar
Holder: Associação Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público Mobilidade e Ambiente Brasil – OMA – BRASIL
Surrogate: Vacância
Nelson Rodrigues dos Reis Filho


Municipal Government

Institution Represenatives
Holder: Prefeitura do Município de Vassouras
Surrogate: Prefeitura do Município de Barra do Piraí
Ranyere do Nascimento de Souza
Alberto Salgado Lootens
Holder: Prefeitura do Município de Queimados
Surrogate: Prefeitura do Município de Seropédica
Andreia Loureiro
Adriane Sales Pereira
Holder: Prefeitura do Município de Piraí
Surrogate: Prefeitura do Município de Rio Claro
Mario Luiz Dias Amaro
Evandro da Silva Batista
Holder: Prefeitura do Município de Mendes
Surrogate: Prefeitura do Município de Mangaratiba
Juliana Fusco Pachani dos Santos
Antonio Marcos Barreto
Holder: Prefeitura do Município de Miguel Pereira
Surrogate: Fundação Instituto Rio das Águas do Município do Rio de Janeiro – Fundação RIO- ÁGUAS
Luiz Fernando Carvalheira
Ana Maria Luna de Oliveira
Holder: Prefeitura do Município de Paracambi
Surrogate: Prefeitura do Município de Itaguaí
Zulmira Helena Fernandes Xavier Izolani
Shayene Figueiredo Barreto

State Government

Institution Representatives
Holder: Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – EMATER – RIO
Surrogate: Instituto de Terras e Cartografia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – ITERJ
Mariluci Sudo Martelleto
Leonardo da Costa Lopes
Holder: Secret. Estadual Ambiente e Sustentabilidade – SEAS
Surrogate: FIPERJ
Ana Larronda Asti
Pedro Esteves
Holder: Instituto Estadual do Ambiente (INEA)
Surrogate: Secretaria de Estado de Defesa Civil
Hélio Vanderlei Coelho Filho
Augusto Carlos da Cunha Fonseca
Holder: Secretaria de Estado de Turismo do Rio de Janeiro – SETUR
Surrogate: Vacância
Helena Fortes de Freitas

Federal Government

Institution Representatives
Holder: Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Agronomia do Rio de Janeiro – CREA-RJ
Surrogate: EMBRAPA Agrobiologia
Marco Antonio Barbosa
Luiz Fernando Duarte de Moraes