AGEVAP is selected in the Petrobras Socioenvironmental Program
The Paraíba do Sul River Basin Water Management Association, AGEVAP, was one of those awarded in the Public Selection of the Petrobras Socioenvironmental Program. The program's objective is to encourage the development of social and environmental actions, generating...
Guandu-RJ Committee offers training in Environmental Education free of charge.
The Guandu-RJ Committee is making available the training process "Indicators of Public Policies for Environmental Education" by MonitoraEA, a system built and applied by ANPPEA-National Articulation of Public Policies for Environmental Education. The objective is to...
Registration opened for training in environmental education for members of the Guandu-RJ Committee
The online registration form for enrollment in the training process "MonitoraEA Environmental Education Public Policy Indicators", by ANPPEA - National Articulation of Environmental Education Public Policies, is available free of charge by the Committee Guandu-RJ.The...
Guandu-RJ Committee offers training in Environmental Education for members and public managers.
The Guandu-RJ Committee will make available from September to members of the Collegiate and municipal public managers of the basin, the training process "Indicators of Public Policies for Environmental Education" by MonitoraEA, a system built and applied by ANPPEA-...
Pigeonpea Committee provides R$107 million for Complementary Infrastructure to Sewage Treatment
The Guandu-RJ Committee approved yesterday (04/08), in its 4th Plenary Meeting, the resolution that allocates R$107 million for the execution of the complementary infrastructure to the sewage treatment of the Sanear Guandu-RJ Program. The Poços,...
The Water and Forest Producers Program (PAF) has already consolidated almost 500 hectares of environmental conservation in Mendes, Vassouras and Eng. Paulo de Frontin
The program has been expanded and, since 2018, it has been developed in the sub-basin of the Sacra Família river, which contributes to the Guandu Basin. In just over ten years, more than five thousand hectares of forests were restored and conserved by the program of...
Guandu in the media
Rural producers in Paulo de Frontin receive 47 thousand reais in payments for environmental services, from the Guandu-RJ Committee
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Cities in Rio de Janeiro are already suffering from the effects of drought
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Guandu-RJ Committee offers free training in Environmental Education
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MPRJ has accepted the Recommendation to present a Water Safety Plan for the Guandu System
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