In compliance with the Access to Information Law (No. 12527) and to ensure transparency, the Guandu-RJ Committee makes its resolutions available for public access.
Click on the desired year to access the content.
Provides for the destination of resources for the execution of complementary infrastructure to the sewage treatment under the Sanear Guandu Program.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 161, of June 28, 2021
Provides for the Application Plan for the year 2022 of the financial resources collected from charging for the use of water in Hydrographic Region II – Guandu.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 160, of May 27, 2021
Provides for the creation of the Payment Program for Environmental Services – Water and Forest Producers.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 159, of May 27, 2021
Provides for the creation of the Sanear Guandu Program, with the purpose of defining the structured application of resources in priority areas for depletion.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 158, of February 4, 2021
Provides for the creation and operating guidelines of the Technical Monitoring Group of the Basin Observatory – GTAOB.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 157, of January 12, 2021
Provides, ad referendum, on the Management Contract Monitoring Group – GACG.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 156, of January 12, 2021
Provides, ad referendum, on the extension of the Resolution creating and operating guidelines of the Working Group of the Internal Regulations (GTRI), and the updating of its composition.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 155, of January 12, 2021
Provides, ad referendum, on the creation and operating guidelines of the Technical Monitoring Group of the Basin Observatory – GTAOB.
Provides for the Application Plan of financial resources contained in the sub-account of the Committee for the Hydrographic Basin of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim Rivers in the State Fund for Water Resources – FUNDRHI for the year 2021.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 153 of July 9, 2020
Provides for the Preparation of the Forest Master Plan for Hydrographic Region II – Guandu/RJ, as provided for in the Strategic Plan for Water Resources for the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim Rivers Hydrographic Basins.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 152 of July 9, 2020
It constitutes the Electoral Commission of the Guandu Committee – CECG for the electoral process of the Guandu-RJ Committee, for the 2021/2022 term.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 151, of July 9, 2020
Changes the wording of § 2 of Article 4 of Guandu Resolution 149/2020, which provides for criteria for holding meetings by videoconference within the scope of the Guandu-RJ Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 150, of July 9, 2020
Provides for the extension of the delegation to the Paraíba do Sul River Hydrographic Basin Water Pro-Management Association – AGEVAP of the functions inherent to the Water Agency of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu Mirim River Basins Committee – GUANDU-RJ COMMITTEE.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 149, of May 11, 2020
Provides, ad referendum, on criteria for holding meetings by videoconference within the scope of the Guandu-RJ Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 148, of May 5, 2020
Provides for the availability of resources from the Guandu and Ilha Grande Bay Committees to fund AGEVAP in extreme situations and on an emergency basis.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 147, of March 4, 2020
Provides for the creation and operating guidelines of the Technical Assembly for Basic Sanitation.
Provides for the creation and operating guidelines of the Fire Prevention and Combat Work Group (GTPCQ).
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 145, of October 17, 2019
Provides for the subsistence allowance for members of the Guandu-RJ Committee.
<GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 144, of October 17, 2019
Provides for the regulation of the Green Infrastructure Working Group (GTIV).
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 143, of September 9, 2019
Provides, ad referendum, on the approval of the updating of the valuation methodology of the Payment for Environmental Services Program – PRO-PSA in the Guandu Hydrographic Region II – RH.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 142, of August 15, 2019
Provides for the creation and operating guidelines of the Internal Regulations Working Group (GTRI).
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 141, of August 15, 2019
Provides for the creation and operating guidelines of the Environmental Education Working Group (GTEA).
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 140, of May 23, 2019
Provides for the creation and operating guidelines of the PERH Monitoring Group – Guandu (GAP).
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 139, of December 6, 2018
Provides for the approval of the updating and improvement of the Water Resources Strategic Plan for the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim Rivers Hydrographic Basins – PERH-Guandu.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 138, of December 6, 2018
Provides for the creation and operating guidelines of the Technical Group for Monitoring Rural Sanitation.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 137, of December 6, 2018
Amends Resolution No. 132/2017 which provides for the updating of the Unit Public Price – PPU of the methodology for charging for the use of water resources in the Hydrographic Basins of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim rivers – GUANDU COMMITTEE.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 136, of August 16, 2018
Provides for the creation and operating guidelines of working groups.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 135, of June 28, 2018
It constitutes the Electoral Commission of the Guandu Committee – CECG for the electoral process of the Guandu Committee, for the 2019/2020 term.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 134, of January 2, 2018
Amends, ad referendum, Resolution No. 129/2016, which provides for costs for the participation of members of the Guandu Committee in training/qualification outside the Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 133 of December 7, 2017
Provides for the holding of the Seminar on Integration of Members of the Guandu-RJ Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 132, of December 7, 2017
Amends Resolution No. 118/2015 which provides for the updating of the Unit Public Price – PPU of the methodology for charging for the use of water resources in the Hydrographic Basins of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim rivers – GUANDU COMMITTEE.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 131, of October 9, 2017
Provides, ad referendum, of the Plenary of the Guandu-RJ Committee, on the validation of the table of goals and indicators and the classification level of the Guandu-RJ Committee for the purposes of implementation, evaluation and certification of PROCOMITÊS.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 130, of December 8, 2016
Amends Resolution No. 112/2015 that provides for the subsistence allowance for Committee members who come to officially represent it in events to be held abroad.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 129 of December 8, 2016
Amends Resolution No. 110/2015 that provides for funding for the participation of members of the Guandu Committee in training/qualifications outside the Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 128, of December 8, 2016
Amends Resolution No. 83/2012 which provides for allowances and reimbursement for members of the Collegiate Board of the Guandu Committee in the exercise of their functions in events.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 127 of December 8, 2016
Amends Resolution No. 82/2012 that provides for the subsistence allowance for Committee members who come to officially represent it in other Forums or when they are going to present papers and/or researches related to the area of action of the Guandu Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 126 of December 8, 2016
Amends Resolution No. 81/2012 that provides for the subsidy to members of civil water resources organizations of the Guandu Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 125, of October 17, 2016.
Provides for the contribution of resources for the operationalization of the Guandu Committee delegated entity between the years 2017 and 2020, in compliance with the INEA Management Contract No. 03/2010.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 124, of October 17, 2016.
Provides for the Multiannual Application Plan (PAP) of the Guandu Committee’s financial resources for the period 2017 to 2020 with resources available in the Guandu Hydrographic Region (RH II) sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund (FUNDRHI).
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 123, of July 21, 2016.
Provides for charging water collected by thermal power plants near the mouth of the São Francisco Channel.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 122, of May 24, 2016.
It constitutes the Electoral Commission of the Guandu Committee – CECG for the electoral process of the Guandu Committee, for the 2017/2018 term.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 121, of May 24, 2016.
Changes provisions that establish mechanisms for charging for transposed water from the Paraíba do Sul River Basin to the Guandu River Basin.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 120, of May 24, 2016.
Provides for adjustments in the resources of the Guandu Committee to fund AGEVAP and continuity of projects in extreme situations.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 119, of February 18, 2016.
Amends resolution N 111/2015, which provides for funding for events promoted or supported by the Guandu Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 118, of December 10, 2015.
Provides for the updating of the Unit Public Price – PPU of the methodology for charging for the use of water resources in the Hydrographic Basins of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu Mirim rivers – GUANDU COMMITTEE.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 117, of July 23, 2015.
Provides for the extension of the delegation to the Paraíba do Sul River Hydrographic Basin Water Pro-Management Association – AGEVAP of the functions inherent to the Water Agency of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu Mirim River Basins Committee – GUANDU COMMITTEE
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 116, of July 23, 2015.
Amends Guandu Committee Resolution No. 11/2006, which “provides for the participation of the Guandu Committee in the process of evaluating the installation of new projects, expansion or alteration of existing projects that may interfere with the Management of Water Resources in the Guandu river basin, of the Guard and Guandu-Mirim”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 115, of July 23, 2015.
Changes provisions that establish mechanisms for charging for transposed water from the Paraíba do Sul River Basin to the Guandu River Basin.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 114, of February 12, 2015.
Provides, ad referendum, on the anticipation of resources transferred to CEIVAP referring to 15% of the charge for the use of water in the hydrographic basin of the Guandu River due to the transposition of the waters of Paraíba do Sul.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 113, of February 5, 2015.
Provides for the application of resources for the Project for the renovation and expansion of the Sewage Treatment Plants (ETEs) in the neighborhoods of Guarajuba, Jardim Nova Era and Lages, in the municipality of Paracambi.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 112, of February 5, 2015.
Provides for the subsistence allowance for Committee members who come to officially represent it at events to be held abroad.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 111, of February 5, 2015.
Provides for the cost of holding events promoted or supported by the Guandu Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 110, of February 5, 2015.
Provides for costs for the participation of members of the Guandu Committee in training/qualification outside the Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 109, of August 28, 2014.
Provides for the extinction of the existing Technical Assemblies and creates the Technical Assemblies for Legal and Management Instruments and for General Studies and defines their respective competences.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 108, of August 28, 2014.
It constitutes the Electoral Commission of the Guandu Committee (CECG) for the electoral process of the Guandu Committee, for the 2015/2016 term.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 107, of April 29, 2014.
Provides for the approval of the proposed classification of water bodies in classes of use for 24 stretches, presented by INEA.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 106, of April 29, 2014.
Provides for the Multiannual Application Plan (PAP) of the Guandu Committee’s financial resources for the period 2014 to 2016 with resources available in the Guandu Hydrographic Region (RH II) sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund (FUNDRHI).
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 105, of April 29, 2014.
Provides for the cancellation of financial resources and the reallocation of the balance existing in the Guandu Hydrographic Region (RH II) sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund (FUNDRHI).
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 104, of February 27, 2014.
Provides for the application of financial resources, collected in the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund (FUNDRHI), to the Project for the Elaboration of the Regional Diagnostic of Rural Sanitation (DRSR) in rural and/or periurban areas of the entire region covered the hydrographic basins of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim rivers.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 103, of February 27, 2014.
Provides for the application of financial resources, collected in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund (FUNDRHI), to the Environmental Services Payment Program (PRO-PSA) within the scope of the Guandu Committee (Guandu Hydrographic Region) – HR II).
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 102, of February 27, 2014.
Provides for the application of financial resources, collected in the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund (FUNDRHI), to the Studies and Research Program (PEP) within the scope of the Guandu Committee (Hydrographic Region of Guandu – RH II ).
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 101, of February 27, 2014.
Provides for the application of financial resources, collected in the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund (FUNDRHI), to the Environmental Education Program (PEA) within the scope of the Guandu Committee (Guandu Hydrographic Region – RH II).
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 100, of February 27, 2014.
Provides for the application to complement the financial resources contained in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Fund for Water Resources (FUNDRHI) to the Social Communication and Technical Information Treatment Program.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 99, of February 27, 2014.
Referendum to Resolution 98/2013 approved “ad referendum” by the Collegiate Board of the Guandu Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 98, of September 30, 2013.
Provides, ad referendum, on the amendment of Guandu Committee Resolution No. 85, which creates the Payment Program for Environmental Services – PRO-PSA in the Guandu Hydrographic Region II – RH II.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 97, of February 4, 2013.
Rectifies Resolution No. 96 and provides, ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the calendar of Ordinary Meetings of the 2013 Plenary.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 96, of January 24, 2013.
Provides, ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the calendar of the 2013 Plenary Ordinary Meetings.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 95, of December 13, 2012.
Provides for the application of financial resources contained in the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, to be applied compulsorily in sanitation, specifically in the collection and treatment of urban effluents, in the localities of Municipality, Sossego, Casa Amarela and Vila das Palmeiras, in the municipality of Piraí.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 94, of December 13, 2012.
Provides for the application of financial resources contained in the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, to be applied compulsorily in sanitation, specifically in the collection and treatment of urban effluents, in the localities of Pedreira, Vila Patrícia and Nova Cidade, in the municipality of Burned.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 93, of December 13, 2012.
Provides for the application of financial resources contained in the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, to be applied compulsorily in sanitation, specifically in the collection and treatment of effluents, in the upstream portion of the town of Arcadia, comprising the localities of Lagoa das Otters, Monte Líbano, Francisco Fragoso, Vera Cruz, Power Plant, Marcos da Costa, Vila Suzana and Vale das Princesas in the municipality of Miguel Pereira.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 92, of December 13, 2012.
Provides for the application of financial resources contained in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, to be applied in sanitary sanitation projects specifically in the collection and treatment of urban effluents, in the municipalities of Mangaratiba, Rio Claro, Japeri, Vassouras, Engineer Paulo de Frontin and Mendes.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 91, of December 13, 2012.
Provides for the creation of the Environmental Education Program – PEA within the scope of the Guandu Committee / Guandu Hydrographic Region – RH II.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 90, of December 13, 2012.
Provides for the creation of the Studies and Research Program – PEP within the scope of the Guandu Committee / Guandu Hydrographic Region – RH II.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 89, of December 13, 2012.
Provides for the application of financial resources contained in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, for the Hydrogeology of Aquifers Project.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 88, of September 12, 2012.
Provides for the application of financial resources to be collected in fiscal year 2012, through the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, for the operation of the Executive Secretariat of the Guandu Committee through the INEA Management Contract No. 03/2010.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 87, of September 12, 2012.
Provides for the application of financial resources, collected in the Guandu Committee sub-account to the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, to the Basin Observatory Project.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 86, of September 12, 2012.
Provides for the application of financial resources, collected in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, to the Water Resources Information System Project.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 85, of September 12, 2012.
Provides for the creation of the Environmental Services Payment Program – PRO-PSA in the Guandu Hydrographic Region II – RH II.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 84, of September 12, 2012.
It constitutes the Electoral Commission of the Guandu Committee – CECG for the electoral process of the Guandu Committee, for the 2013/2014 term
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 83, of September 12, 2012.
Amends Resolution No. 74, which provides for allowances and reimbursement for members of the Collegiate Board of the Guandu Committee in the exercise of their functions in events.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 82, of September 12, 2012.
Alters Resolution No. 68 that provides for the subsistence allowance for Committee members who come to officially represent it in other Forums or when they are going to present papers and/or researches related to the Guandu Committee’s area of operation.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 81, of September 12, 2012.
Amends Resolution No. 67, which provides for the subsidy for members of civil water resources organizations of the Guandu Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 80, of September 10, 2012.
Provides, ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the extension of the registration period for the electoral process of the Guandu Committee, biennium 2013-2014.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 79, of August 3, 2012.
Provides, ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the amendment of Resolution No. 75 of July 4, 2012, which provides for the Call Notice of the electoral process for the appointment of new members of the plenary and of the Collegiate Board of the Guandu Committee, Biennium 2013-2015.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 78, of July 31, 2012.
Provides, ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the transfer of the date for the 3rd Ordinary Meeting of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 77, of July 4, 2012.
Provides for the expansion of financial resources contained in the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, for the Financial Aid Project and the Carrying out of Studies for the Preparation of Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Works of the Strategic Plan for Water Resources of Guandu Hydrographic Basin.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 76, of July 4, 2012.
Provides for the application of financial resources contained in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, to increase the value of projects that have resulted in desert in the bidding process.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 75, of July 4, 2012.
Provides for the Call Notice of the electoral process for the nomination of new members of the plenary and of the Collegiate Board of the Guandu Committee, Biennium 2013-2014.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 74, of July 4, 2012.
Amends Resolution No. 66, which provides for allowances and reimbursement for members of the Collegiate Board of the Guandu Committee in the exercise of their functions in events.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 73, of April 25, 2012.
Provides for the application of financial resources contained in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, for the Social Communication and Technical Information Treatment Program.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 72, of April 25, 2012.
Provides for the application to complement the financial resources contained in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, for the preparation of Integrated Solid Waste Management Plans – PGIRS.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 71, of April 25, 2012
Provides for the application of financial resources collected in 2007 and 2008, through the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, for the implementation of the Water Agenda at School Program in nine municipalities of Hydrographic Region II – Guandu (Seropédica, Engineer Paulo de Frontin, Rio Claro, Queimados, Paracambi, Miguel Pereira, Mangaratiba, Japeri and Itaguaí).
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 70, of April 25, 2012.
Defines the application of financial resources, collected in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, to be applied in Payments for Environmental Services.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 69, of March 20, 2012.
Provides, ad referendum, on the rectification of the calendar of ordinary meetings of the 2012 Plenary.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 68, of February 9, 2012.
Alters Resolution No. 59, which provides for the subsistence allowance for Committee members who officially represent it in other Forums or when presenting papers and/or researches related to the Guandu Committee’s area of operation.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 67, of February 9, 2012.
Amends Resolution No. 59 that provides for the subsidy to members of civil water resources organizations of the Guandu Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 66, of December 8, 2011.
Amends Resolution No. 60, which provides for the allowance and reimbursement for members of the Collegiate Board of the Guandu Committee in the exercise of their functions in events.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 65, of December 8, 2011.
Provides for the recommendations to be met by the entrepreneur of the Usiminas Port Complex, including the Retroárea and Pier in Itaguaí during the environmental licensing in the sphere of water resources management of the Committee on the Hydrographic Basins of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim rivers – GUANDU COMMITTEE .
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 64, of December 8, 2011.
Provides for the calendar of ordinary meetings of the 2012 Plenary.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 63, of August 11, 2011.
Rectifies Resolution No. 58 of March 30, 2011 which provides for the application of financial resources to be collected in the 2011 fiscal years, through the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 62, of April 7, 2011.
“Disposes ad referendum, on the work to protect the CEDAE water intake in the Guandu River”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 61, of March 30, 2011.
“Provides for the creation of a Temporary Technical Assembly for the Piranema Aquifer”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 60, of March 30, 2011.
“Provides for the reimbursement of travel expenses for members of the Collegiate Board of the Guandu Committee in the exercise of their functions at events.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 59, of March 30, 2011.
Provides for the subsistence allowance for Committee members who may officially represent it in other Forums, and for members of civil water resources organizations.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 58, of March 30, 2011.
Modifies and expands resolutions numbers 08, 16, 27 and 33 that provide for the application of financial resources collected in the fiscal year 2004/2005 and 2006, 2007 and 2008 and applies the financial resources referring to the fiscal year 2011, deposited in the sub-account of Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 57, of January 17, 2011.
Provides, ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the calendar of Ordinary Meetings of the Plenary of 2011.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 56, of December 20, 2010.
“Disposes ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the alteration of the calendar related to the electoral process of the plenary of the Guandu Committee, biennium 2011 – 2012”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 55, of December 6, 2010.
“Disposes ad referendum, on the Perenization of the Guandu River – Transposition of the Waters of the Paraíba do Sul River”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 54, of December 6, 2010.
“It disposes of part of the financial resources collected in the fiscal year of 2008, through the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, for actions of the Collegiate Board.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 53, of November 17, 2010.
“Disposes ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the transfer of the date for holding the 4th Ordinary Meeting of the Plenary Meeting of the Guandu Committee.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 52, of November 4, 2010.
“Disposes ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on changes to the calendar related to the electoral process of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, biennium 2011 – 2012”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 51, of October 14, 2010.
“Provides for the determinations to be met by the entrepreneur of the Queimados Thermoelectric Power Plant – UTE Queimados, during the environmental licensing process in the sphere of water resources management of the Committee of Hydrographic Basins of the Guandu de Guarda and Guandu – Mirim rivers – GUANDU COMMITTEE” .
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 50, of October 14, 2010.
“Provides for the Notice of convocation of the electoral process for the nomination of new members of the plenary and of the Collegiate Board of the Guandu Committee, Biennium 2011 – 2012.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 49, of October 14, 2010.
It constitutes the Electoral Commission of the Guandu Committee – CECG for the electoral process of the Guandu Committee, for the 2011/2012 term.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 48, of September 23, 2010.
Provides, ad referendum, on the application of financial resources contained in the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, to be mandatorily applied in sanitation specifically in the collection and treatment of urban effluents and creates a monitoring committee for the preparation of projects and sanitation works.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 47, of March 16, 2010.
Provides, ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the complementation of financial resources, originating from the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, to be applied in the management contract between INEA and the Associação Pró-Gestão de Águas of the Paraíba do Sul River Basin – AGEVAP, to perform functions under the competence of the Guandu Committee’s Water Agency, with the intervention of this Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 46, of April 16, 2010.
Provides, ad referendum of the Guandu Committee Plenary, on the transfer of the date for holding the 2nd Ordinary Meeting of the Guandu Committee Plenary.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 45, of April 13, 2010.
Provides for the appointment of the delegating entity and the management contract between INEA, the managing and executing agency of the State Water Resources Policy, and the Pro-Management Association of Water in the Paraíba do Sul River Basin – AGEVAP, to carry out functions of competence of the Water Agency of the Guandu Committee, with the intervention of this Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 44, of March 16, 2010.
Provides, ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the application of financial resources deposited in the sub-account of the Guandu Committee in the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, defined through art. 6, of Law No. 5.234, of May 5, 2008.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 43, of January 12, 2010.
Provides, ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the calendar of Ordinary Meetings of the Plenary of 2010.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 42 of December 18, 2009.
“It defines the application of financial resources, collected through the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, to be applied in the Water and Forest Producers project.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 41, of December 18, 2009.
“Provides for the application of financial resources contained in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, approved through Guandu Committee Resolution No. 08, of December 15, 2005, Resolution No. 16, of June 15, 2007, Resolution GUANDU COMMITTEE No. 27 of July 24, 2008”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 40, of November 30, 2009.
“Disposes, ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the transfer of the date for holding the 4th Ordinary Meeting of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 39, of November 6, 2009.
“Disposes, ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the transfer of the date for holding the 4th Ordinary Meeting of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 38 of September 28, 2009.
“Disposes, ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the determinations to be met by the entrepreneur of the Waste Treatment and Disposal Center – CTR Santa Rosa – Seropédica, during the environmental licensing process in the sphere of water resources management of the Committee of Hydrographic Basins of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim rivers – GUANDU COMMITTEE”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 37 of September 10, 2009.
Provides for the formation of the Management Board of APA Guandu, disciplines its operation and takes related measures.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 36, of June 24, 2009.
Provides for the requirements to be met by the entrepreneur of the Water Treatment Plant of the Municipality of Japeri during the environmental licensing in the sphere of water resources management by the Guandu and Guandu-Mirim Committee – GUANDU COMMITTEE.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 35, of June 24, 2009.
Provides for the determinations to be met by the entrepreneur of the Industrial Waste Treatment Center in the Industrial District of Paracambi during the environmental licensing in the sphere of water resources management by the Guandu and Guandu-Mirim Committee – GUANDU COMMITTEE.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution no. 34, of May 18, 2009.
Provides, ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, on the calendar of ordinary meetings of the 2009 Plenary.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 33, of October 13, 2008.
“Provides for the application of resources, destined to management activities, elaboration of projects and works and interventions, collected in 2007 and 2008”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 32, of October 13, 2008.
“Provides for the application, in studies and researches, of financial resources for the years 2007 and 2008, deposited in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, in accordance with art. 2, of Resolution no. 27, of July 24, 2008”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 31, of October 13, 2008.
“Provides for the Notice of convening the electoral process for the nomination of new members of the plenary and of the Collegiate Board of the Guandu Committee, Biennium 2009 – 2010”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 30, of September 11, 2008.
“Constitutes the Electoral Commission of the Guandu Committee – CECG for the electoral process of the Guandu Committee, for the 2009/2010 term.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 29 of July 24, 2008.
“Provides for the Technical Opinion of Process CG nº. 01/2008 regarding the implementation of the enterprise – Santa Alice, A21 Mineração”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 28 of July 24, 2008.
“Provides for the Technical Opinion of Process CG No. 01/2007 regarding the implementation of the enterprise – Paracambi Small Hydroelectric Power Plant”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 27 of July 24, 2008.
“Rectifies Resolution No. 26 of February 27, 2008 which provides for the application of financial resources collected in the fiscal year of 2007 and 2008, through the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Fund for Water Resources – FUNDRHI”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 26 of February 21, 2008.
“Provides for the application of the financial resources collected in the 2007 fiscal year and the financial resources to be collected in the 2008 fiscal year, through the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 25 of December 7, 2007.
“Provides for the calendar of ordinary meetings of the 2008 Plenary”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 24, of December 7, 2007.
“It provides for basic criteria to assist in the preparation of public notices for the execution of hydrogeological studies and monitoring of Water Quality in the area covered by the Guandu Committee”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 23, of December 7, 2007.
“Provides for the guidelines for the elaboration of the notice, referring to the elaboration and execution of environmental education projects.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 22, of September 13, 2007.
“Provides for the guidelines for the preparation of the notice, referring to the preparation of projects for the implementation of the Basin Observatory, for the application of the financial resources contained in the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund for the period from 2004 to 2006, according to Resolutions No. 08 and No. 16.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 21, of September 13, 2007.
“Provides for the guidelines for the preparation of the notice, referring to the contracting of structural actions and/or interventions in the sanitation area, for the application of the financial resources contained in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund for the period 2004 and 2005, in accordance with Resolution No. 08, of December 15, 2005. “
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 20, of September 13, 2007.
“Provides for the guidelines for the preparation of the notice, referring to the preparation of projects in the sanitation area, for the application of the financial resources contained in the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund for the period 2004 and 2005, in accordance with the Resolution nº 08, of December 15, 2005 “.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 19, of June 2007.
“It provides for the creation of a specific commission to study the creation of the Guandu Committee’s Basin Water Agency“.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 18, of June 15, 2007.
“It provides for the participation of the Guandu Committee, as intervener, in the agreement to be signed between the State Superintendence of Rios and Lagoas – SERLA and the Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro – FAPERJ.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 17, of June 15, 2007.
“Provides for the application, in studies and research, of financial resources for the period 2004 to 2006 deposited in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 16, of June 15, 2007.
“Provides for the application of financial resources for the fiscal year 2006, deposited in the Guandu Committee sub-account at the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 15, of December 21, 2006.
Changes ad referendum of the Plenary of the Guandu Committee, the annex to Resolution 12/2006, which deals with the calendar related to the electoral process.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 14 of December 8, 2006.
“Provides for the calendar of regular meetings of the 2007 Plenary.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 13, of December 8, 2006.
“Provides for the Plan for the Hydrographic Basins of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu Mirim rivers – PBH Guandu”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 12, of October 2, 2006.
“Provides for the electoral process for the composition of the third term of the Plenary and Collegiate Board of the Guandu Biennium Committee 2007 – 2008”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 11, of October 2, 2006.
“It provides for the participation of the Guandu Committee in the process of evaluating the installation of new projects, expansion or alteration of existing projects that may interfere with the Management of Water Resources in the basin of the Guandu, Guarda and Guandu Mirim rivers.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 10 of March 6, 2006.
“It extends the deadline for preparing notices for the application of resources contained in the Guandu Committee sub-account of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, for the period 2004-2005”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 09 of December 15, 2005.
“Provides for the calendar of ordinary meetings of the 2006 Plenary.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 08 of December 15, 2005.
“Provides for the application of financial resources contained in the sub-account of the Guandu Committee of the State Water Resources Fund – FUNDRHI, for the period 2004-2005”.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 07 of August 30, 2005.
“Provides for the representation of members of the Guandu Committee in the Special Commission created by CERHI to deal with regulations related to transposition.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 06, of May 9, 2005.
“Extinguishes the existing Technical Assemblies, creates the Technical Assemblies for STUDIES AND PROJECTS; MANAGEMENT INSTRUMENTS; of SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY and EDUCATION; and LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS and defines the respective competences.”
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 05, of December 15, 2004.
Provides for Charging Criteria for the Use of Water Resources within the scope of the Guandu Committee.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 04, of May 5, 2004.
Provides for the regulation of the Call Notice for the Guandu Committee elections.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 03, of January 29, 2004.
Provides for the Action Plan and provides complementary guidelines.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 02, of October 30, 2003.
Provides for general guidelines for the implementation and maintenance of the General Secretariat of the GUANDU COMMITTEE.
GUANDU COMMITTEE Resolution No. 01, of October 30, 2003.
The Guandu, Guarda and Guandu-Mirim Rivers Hydrographic Basins Committee – GUANDU COMMITTEE, created by State Decree No. 31178, of April 3, 2002, in the use of its legal powers, in view of the provisions of article 52 of the State Law nº 3.239, of August 2, 1999 and in articles 27, 28 and 29, of the Internal Regulation of the Committee, approved by the State Water Resources Council, on March 26, 2002, and considering the need to implement and maintain a structure organizational capable of providing the administrative and technical support that will enable the Committee to carry out the activities resulting from the deliberations of the plenary, with efficiency and independence.